
Haziak, nola hasi zen istorio hau?

Enpresaburu batek ideia bat izan zuen orain dela bi urte, web bat egin zuen Gernikako arbolaren historiari buruz hobe ezagutzeko, enpresaburu honek nahiko ondo ezagutzen du Gernikako arbolaren historia, orain dela 20 urte hasi zelako bere historia ikasten interesgarria zelako.

Jendearentzat oso erakargarria zelako aukeratu zuen gai hau , horregatik enpresaburu honek erabaki zuen gernikako arbolaren kimuak saltzea web gunearen bidez eta harrakasta handia izan zen, Gernikako arbolaren kimu asko saldu zituen jendeak euskal herriko oroipen bat nahi zuelako edo beste pertsona bat gogoratu nahi zuelako.

Euskal herrian erreza da Gernikako arbolaren kimuak saltzea baina hala ere beste herrietan, batez ere Amerikan, oso oso zaila zen, ezportazio arauak zorrotzak direlako, baina jendeak Amerikan nahi zuen zuhaitz txikia eduki, Euskadiren oroipen bat eduki nahi zutelako, horregatik  enpresaburuak erabaki zuen “Haziak” perfumea sortzea, Gernikako zuhaitzaren hostoak lortu zituen eta lagun batekin Gernikako zuhaitzaren perfumea sortu zuen, oraingoz bakarrik web gunean erosi dezakegu eta denda batzuetan Laudion, Donostian, Gazteizen eta Iruñean.




kirolaAsko pentsatu dut zure galderari buruz

“Zein Kiroletan apuntatzeko gure semeak”, nire aholkua zuretzat da hau:

Kirola inportantea dela edozein kasutan osasuna delako eta denok denbora aurkitu behar dugu kirola egiteko baina ez nago ziur zein kirola izango den hobea zure semearentzat

Nik uste dut bere iritzia garrantsitsua dela, denok bezala bere kirol gustukoenak dauzka eta hori kontuan hartu behar dugu.

Lehenik ezagutu behar dugu zein ezaugarri dauzkan zure semeak, gero talentua badauka kirol bat egiteko orduan pentsatu gabe lagundu behar dugu, lasterago hasten bada kirola egitea izango da , berarentzat errezagoa aukeratuko du.

Zalantzarik gabe gaur egun mutil guztiek futbolariak izatea nahi dute baina nire ustez beste kirolak ere onak dira gainera nork daki etorkizunean kirolari profesionala izan daitekeen, adibidez, pelotari ospetsu bat esku pilotan, arraunlari ospetsu bat arraun talde batean, dantzari ezaguna eta abar,

Badakit gogorra dela baina saiatu behar dute. komenigarria kirol batzuk saiatzea eta ondoren hasi gehien gustatzen zaionarekin bestela ezinezkoa izango da gehien gustatzen zaio ezagutzea saiatu Gabe.

Hasieran ez da zaila aukeratzea onena den kirola ume bakoitzarentzat baina edonola ere edozein kirol egitea komenigarria da denontzat, hala ere gurasoek lagundu behar dute bere semeek ohitura hartzen txikitatik.

Niretzat hau da alderdi garrantsitsuena, kirola egiteko ohitura hartzea txikitatik edozein kiroletan.


jardinJ’ai des nouvelles. Comme tu sais, j’adore le jardinage, j’ai découvert les jardins partagés à Paris, c’est une très très bonne idée car je peux cultiver mes propres légumes.

J’ai pris la décision de partager un petit jardin avec trois autres personnes, c’est super parce que je peux manger des fruits et des légumes que j’ai cultivés et que j’ai choisis, par conséquence c’est une manière de manger plus saine.

Je ne savais pas que les jardins partagés existaient et quand je m’en suis rendu compte j’ai cherché rapidement des personnes pour partager un jardin, c’est un petit rêve pour moi.

Je passe longtemps dans le jardin car il faut travailler pour garder les légumes et les fruits, pour les voir grandir forts mais malgré l’effet d’avoir cette responsabilité, il me plaît beaucoup, je suis enchantée avec mon travail.

Je vais vous envoyer des légumes d’ici, je veux que vous essayiez un nouveau goût vous verrez la différénce tout de suite.

Quand j’aurai plus d’argent je veux acheter un jardín pour vendre des légumes et des fruits aux restaurants, je crois que c’est une idée magnifique , les personnes au restaurant demanderont sûrement de plus en plus de manger de cette manière , déguster un nouveau goût qui va du jardin au restaurant directement.


mugikorLagun batek esaten badizu aholku bat nahi duela mugikor baten  erosketari buruz bere semearentzat oparitzeko , zer esaten behar dugu?

Gaur egun mutil guztiek mugikor bat daukate, baina komenigarria da ala ez.

Galdera bat egin behar dugu, zertarako nahi du zure semeak mugikor bat?

Dei bat egin nahi badu, etxeko telefonoa erabili ahal dezake. Nire ustez ez da beharrezkoa hamar urterekin mugikor bat edukitzea gainera arrisku asko dauzka . Mutilak gaur egun oso laster hasten dira mugikorrarekin internet erabiltzera eta horregatik haiek ez dute nahi beste lagunekin hitz egin, ahozko komunikazioa behera doaz, gehienetan mutilek denbora asko pasatzen dute interneten , gaur egun social harremanak interneten bidez handitzen ari  dira eta etorkizunean arazo asko aurkituko dituzte lanean, harremanak beste langileekin ahozko komunikazioa arraroa izango dira ez zelako ohitura

konturatu emango dute errealitatea desberdina dela.

Denbora gutxiago pasatuko balute interneten ireki gehiago izango lirateke.

Amaitzeko, zure lasaitasunerako zure semeak  bizi dezake mugikorrik Gabe , opari bat egin behar diozu, ahaztu zaitez mugikor bat, opari hobeak daude, adibidez, liburu on bat, bidaia bat edo kirol ekipamenduak kirola sustatzeko.



planeteA recent survey suggests that there are two profitable ways of achieving sustainable tourism , providing employment and preserving the environment, both of them are of key importance for tourist and the local people.

A remarkable achievement would be increasing the tourism through preserving the environment so that it is essential to pitch some enhancing measurements to secure a resounding success.

Undoubtedly, tourism is a source of income, local people need tourism to survive especially to create employment, otherwise we would be on the brink of an economic declive which would have an undesirable impact on our community.

A straighforward way of increasing jobs is encouraging people to come back and to make them promote us in their countries through the Word of mouth advertising.

We urgently need economically finance our developers in order to rapidly increase the employment rate.

There can be no doubt that it is vital to take care of the environment

as far as the food scraps in the campsites are concerned  we need to install more bins.

Referring to the litter in the streets it is regrettably required to give fines to the people who do not obey the law, although they are avoidably as long as tourists behave in the sense of maintaining the streets clean.

Cigarrettes butts are covering all the promenades so we will set up some ashtrays.

Recycling is utterly necessary so we will spread some bottle Banks through the community.

I certainly believe that providing employment  is the most likely option to benefit the local people and the tourism, they will receive a better service and local people will make progress increasing income and knowing new cultures.

Provided that Jobs grow there will be a multitude of perks.








Bilbon , Abenduaren 10 ean


Kexa bat egin nahi dut zure jatetxeari buruz;

Pasa den igandean egon nintzen zure jatetxean bazkaltzeko, nire amaren urtebetetxea ospatzea nahi nuelako.

Nahiz eta barkatu esan genion tabernariari berandu heldu ginenelako, 30 minutu gehiago itxaron behar izan genuen gure txanda galdu zutelako, bitartean , kalean geunden taberna jendez beteta dagoelako  ,eta gainera hotz asko egin zuen .

Tabernaria haserretuta zegoelako gurekin oso txarto tratatu gintuzten, niri iruditzen zait  tratamendua oso lotsatia zela.

Janariarekin pozik geunden, kalitatea ona zen, baina aldiz zerbitzua txarra zen, horregatik esan nahi dut oso haserretuta gaudela eta inoiz ez garela joango berriro zure jatetxera.

Esperientzia hau ahaztu nahi dut, baina pena bat da nire amaren urtebetetxea ez  zela dibertigarria izan zerbitzuaren erruz.

Tabernariarekin hitz egin nuen arren zerbitzuari buruz, ez zuen kasurik egin, horregatik eskatu nion erreklamazio orri bat  bezeroak tratamendu hobea merezi du, ez dago eskubiderik eta espero dut arretaz hartuko duzula gai hau

Nire eskaera kontuan hartuko duzulakoan

Besterik Gabe









The aim of this essay is to explain two features which are totally necessary in order to spend three days in a remote place where you will need to put into practice all your survival skills and give the best of yourself to fight against all the unexpected problems that are going to happen.

On the one hand, self-sufficiency is absolutely crucial due to the fact that help is not going to be at hand. Undoubtedly, you need to be self-sufficient if you want to survive, otherwise i would not recommend this experience to anyone. It is completely necessary to be capable of putting up with some terrible experiences that are not going to be pleasant at all, therefore weekness is your enemy.

The unavailability of any conveniences is the main challenge people will have to confront, looking for food,fighting against the extreme weather and so on.

On the other hand teamwork is as important as developing survival skills in the sense of being helpful with the rest of the people in the group and be close to them.The weekness of any of them will be compensated with the strengths of the others.

Nobody would  dispute the fact that unity makes the team stronger and stronger and what is more all the members of the team need to be mentally and physically prepared to face difficulties and the most challenging situations in which they will need to be together to get over them. If lamentably one participant is in trouble the rest of the team should not turn a blind eye, they are under the obligation of resolving the situation as they were involved in it.

In conclusion, self-sufficiency is without any doubt the most required feature that an adventurer or any kind of person should have to survive in the wild, this exciting but at the same time hard experience will people realize how far they can go when they are involved in such dangerous situations that they will have to resolve without any kind of the advantages that are available in our daily lives.


anne frank



The Diary of a Young Girl is based on a true story, a really painful plot about how Jews had been lamentably treated by Nazis, how they had to live in hiding in order to keep themselves alive and definitively how they suffered because of the intolerance of other people.

The main character Anne Frank wrote a diary about the development of their lives in Germany, Holand, The Secret Annexe, the concentration camps and how they had no choice to flee Germany.

Anne had to grow up faster than a girl her age, she had no choice.The relationships between them are quite close due to the fact that they live in crowded conditions, in a reduced space where there are two families sharing virtually everything.

Anne has a very good relationship with her father and of course, her diary “Kitty” which she thinks is her best friend. By contrast she does not get on very well with her mother. Anne is hard with her but even Anne does not know the reason why she is unable to answer politely to her mother.

Her relationship with her sister Margot is quite acceptable even though the favourite one to everyone is Margot.

There was a significant  change in her mind as far as Peter is concerned , she firstly considered him a boring boy but finally ended up in love with him.

Otto Frank, her father,is a clever and respectful man who is able to keep calm under any situation and build a good rapport with everybody. He likes to talk to Anne and listen to what she thinks, He gives some advice to her especially when she says that she hates German people and that she does not want to be one of them.

Anne´s mother has a tendency to argue with Peter’s mother but finally they get to the point to understand each other when they were living their final days in the camp.

I would recommed the book to anyone because it makes you realize that tolerance is a feature that we have to work on.

Intolerance leads to situations which are avoidable if one day we behave like human beings.

There is a drawback in case a sensitive person reads the book, you are going to feel unconfortable with some unfair scenes which could split you in two but even so it is doubtlessly worth it.




Nowadays  cosmetic surgery is available  to everyone as prices are good value for money .

there  are some social pressures because of your image if your work depends on it and what is more there are some dangers that you have to face  if  you are going under surgery but people are well aware of them.

On the one hand  social pressures are the main cause why people tend to have an operation to look appealing in the sense of being handsome.

Our physical appearance is becoming more and more influential and consequently our self-esteem plays an important role when we have to make a decision and all this without taking into account love, what about love? because it is perfectly clear that if you want to be loved by a boy you have to be perfect in all senses …boys are more and more demanding but what would happen if you demand the same to them? would they go under surgery? i do not think so.

Our personal image is being overrated and this is the reason why the harmful concern of our society is being physically perfect, but what happens with intelligence and other features which are as striking as image is, but what i find striking is how we can survive in a society which is totally sick and lost, the fight is to maintain the balance on the tightrope.

On the other hand there are some dangers , as undergoing surgery has its risks.Unfortunately people do not care much about them, they are willing to experience any dangerous situation as long as they look pretty and i finally end up asking myself how many people have inner beauty,feelings,sensitivity and tact? i know very few people with these features which are so difficult to come across, i have spent so much time  looking for them that i have come to the conclusion that i can find outer beauty but nothing about the rest.To be honest i would go under surgery to numb my soul due to the fact that the previous ingredientes  i have mentioned are in short supply and my soul need to be fed with  them so  i prefer to keep my soul asleep.

If something goes wrong in an operation theatre the consequences can be lamentably unavoidable as far as your health is concerned. Thus, it is highly recommendable to think about it twice.

In conclusion the most important issue is the danger when your are being treated surgically, even though the medical equipment which doctors work with is the best and you are in the best hands as the operation can go wrong and the side effects could be even worse, taking into account that the result could be not  desirable or not as good as you thought it would be. I would recommend surgery only if you really believe it is going to be helpful and beneficial for you.





The aim of this report is to encourage students to learn languages with the best technology available in the market.

It is based on a survey which suggests that the majority of the students are willing to pay more or collaborate in the tasks of getting money in order to have better technological devices.


In their opinion, the current devices are slightly unconfortable when they have to manage them which mean that unfortunately they suffer from back aches and other symptoms which came from spending many hours in a bad corporal position.

As far as learning a  language is concerned they need programs which are not out of date or so obsolete, this lamentably delays their works to the point that they finally end up giving up their duties with a terrible feeling of dissatisfaction and failure.


I would recommend reducing spendind by improving the antique hardware and the out of date software which will lead to more students who will want to learn in the multimedia room and as a consequence an increase in our income.Undoubtedly making an initial investment will have its perks.

Furthermore , avoiding downhearted students will be advantageous for everybody as they will be available for taking part in all the processes required to reduce spending.


Some of the suggestions could be to raise funds to improve the devices we are working with.

Hiring a person responsable for the maintenance of the software and who teaches the students how to manage the software in an attempt to increase their level of knowledge in the area they are interested in or where they need more support.